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Grand Départ


Highlight for the start of the Tour de France in the state capital

Rheinkomet shines for the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

Following the success of the light art installation "Rheinkomet" ® on the Düsseldorf Rhine Tower on NRW Day in August 2016 the light sculpture will shine from 26 June to 2 July 2017 for the start of the Tour de France in the state capital. Mehr

Grand Départ


Mayor Thomas Geisel met fellow mayors for the Tour summit II

The state capital and the region are offering a varied programme for the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

The Tour is on its way - and the region is looking forward to it. In the Tour towns from Düsseldorf to Aachen the last preparations are under way.

Not only in the host city of Düsseldorf, but also in the Tour towns of the region, the preparations for the events surrounding the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 are running at full speed. Mehr

Grand Départ


trivago reports only 20 percent hotel availability from 1 to 2 July 2017

Plan your Grand Départ visit now - hotels in high demand

For the cycling event Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 visitors will be coming to the state capital of North Rhine-Westphalia from far and wide on the first weekend in July. Just under a month before the start of the Tour, for example, there is already only 20 percent hotel availability at trivago from 1 to 2 July. Mehr

Grand Départ


"Flower pictures", Radstation, construction hoarding, banners, flags and cartwheelers advertise the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

"Flower picture" in Nordpark, the Radstation, a Grand Départ construction hoarding at Köbogen II, a 100 square meter banner, flags and cartwheelers advertise the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 Mehr

Grand Départ


Utrecht’s Mayor Jan van Zanen (Grand Départ 2015) visits Düsseldorf’s Mayor Thomas Geisel

Grand Départ a great success for host cities

In a video on, other host cities also talk about the effects of the start of the Tour for their cities

Public festival mood along the route and sustainable effects, for example, for city marketing and the promotion of bicycle traffic. The goals pursued by the state capital in hosting the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 have long been a reality for other host cities. Mehr

Grand Départ


Barrier-free services for people with disabilities at the Grand Départ

Up to a million visitors are expected in Düsseldorf for the Grand Départ of the Tour de France from 29 June to 2 July 2017. Therefore, facilities and services for people with disabilities will naturally be set up along the race route of the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017. Mehr

Grand Départ


Start of the Tour de France from 29 June to 2 July in the state capital

New event plans with even more service for visitors of the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

Coloured guidance system for pedestrians at the 1st stage/small change to the route for the 2nd stage

To make planning and orientation easier for the visitors, the state capital Düsseldorf has therefore published new event plans with even more service. Mehr

Grand Départ


The 22 teams of the Tour de France are to be presented at Burgplatz on 29 June

Team presentation is the first highlight of the Grand Départ 2017

Interviews and music acts on the stage at the Schlossturm

The 22 Teams of the Tour de France with their 198 cyclists are to be presented on the stage at the Schlossturm. Dies ist zugleich der Auftakt zum Grand Départ 2017 in Düsseldorf. This is at the same time the start to the Grand Départ 2017 in Düsseldorf. At Marktplatz, Grabbeplatz, Johannes-Rau-Platz und Kö-Bogen, spectators can follow the team presentation live on LED screens. Mehr

Grand Départ


DHL is an official supporter of the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

More tailwind for the first Tour de France start in Germany for 30 years: DHL is the new official supporter of the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017! Mehr

Grand Départ


Kick-off for the "Tour Makers" of the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017

Almost 1,400 voluntary helpers of the Tour de France were given an overview of their tasks at the Heinrich Heine University

Almost 1,400 voluntary helpers for the Grand Départ Düsseldorf 2017 of the Tour de France met on Saturday, 29 April, at the Heinrich Heine University, where they were given an overview of their tasks. Mehr