2017-12-01 | Vodafone IoT-Barometer 2017/18

| Digitalbusiness

The number of organisations deploying...

... IoT ‘at scale’ (50,000+ devices and more) has doubled over the past 12 months.
84% of businesses, both large and small, stated their adoption and use of IoT had grown – with an impressive 95% of adopters and users achieving tangible benefits from their deployments.
Now in its fifth year, the Vodafone IoT Barometer 2017/18 paints a fascinating picture of the rapidly maturing IoT market. With responses from 1,278 enterprises and public sector executives across 8 industries in 13 countries, it charts changing attitudes, business drivers and shows, almost without exception, that those investing more in IoT are seeing the biggest gains.
Whether you’re an established user or just starting on your journey, the Vodafone IoT Barometer 2017/18 is an essential guide to what’s happening in your sector, and where it’s headed.

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