2018-04-17 | Experts from Abroad

| Digitalbusiness


The region Düsseldorf-Mettmann County is attractive for startups from Germany and abroad. In order to expand to international markets, recruitment and employment of international professionals is a big advantage for the success of a company.

But how can international professionals be employed in Germany? What should be considered before and after entry? Which administrative formalities are necessary? During the event experts with extensive practical experience in the field of human resources and Global Mobility Management will speak about the process of recruiting, relocating and employment in Germany. Apart from information regarding the operational processes, an international company from the startup scene will present its HR management as a best practice example. Additionally you will have the opportunity to get to know the platform “Expat-preneurs Düsseldorf”, which addresses mainly English-speaking entrepreneurs. The platform offers monthly networking events for like-minded people within the entrepreneurship scene.

Finally, successful and international entrepreneurs from sectors like human resource management and digital economy will present their innovative and rapidly growing start-ups. The event is organized by the Expat Service Desk, which offers initial information, consultations and events concerning living and working in the region Düsseldorf-Mettmann for companies and international professionals. The project partners of the Expat Service Desk are the Office of Economic Development of the City of Düsseldorf and the County of Mettmann as well as the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

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