2018-04-18 | Keynote "Bridging the Divide between Architecture and Code"

| Digitalbusiness

Chris Chedgey, Gründer von Structure 101

Static diagrams on wikis and white-boards might capture the vision of architects, but they don’t much help programmers to understand how the code they’re working on right now fits into the architecture. Nor are the programmers warned when they violate the diagrams as they forge changes, line-by-line.

This is a huge problem – it is ultimately individual lines of code that make or break an architecture; and we know that a clean architecture will help teams develop a more flexible product, with less complexity, less wasted effort, etc. Worse, without practical architectural guidance, programmers wrestle with invisible structures that emerge from thousands of inter-dependent lines of code.

And being invisible, these structures become ever more complex, coupled, and tangled. In fact, uncontrolled structure actively fights against productive development.This talk shows how to rein in emergent code-base structures and gradually transform them into a cogent, defined architecture. You will see how…

Divide between Architecture and Code

Visualizing the emergent structure makes a code-base easier to understand.
Restructuring to remove tangles and reduce coupling makes the visualized code-base easier to work on.  

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