2018-04-19 | German-Japanese Business Networking

| Digitalbusiness


The “Asa no Kai” (business breakfast) of the Japanese- German Business Association (DJW) provides an opportunity to discover cooperation opportunities and network among business representatives.

“Asa no Kai”, the business breakfast of DJW, has become an established format. It takes place in hot spots such as Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Osaka and Tokyo. And also in Düsseldorf. Taking part in the business breakfast allows you to network among the German-Japanese business community. You will also receive valuable information on business topics. During the startup-week, it is naturally all about opportunities and possibilities of launching new startups in Germany. With the “Asa no Kai”, we take a look at two sides, Germany and Japan.

We give you an insight into German-Japanese cooperation opportunities; the speakers are experts on both countries as they operate in both markets. Therefore, you are given exclusive knowledge from real business situations. Apart from the 20-minute presentation in English, you will have enough time to talk to other startup entrepreneurs and the speakers, make new contacts and cultivate existing business relationships. The event is limited to 50 participants.

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