2018-04-19 | Launching a Startup in Düsseldorf

| Digitalbusiness


Find out what you need to know here.  
One out of every ten startup entrepreneurs in Germany comes from abroad. Are you one of them and are you wondering whether to become self-employed with your startup here? If so, an outstanding international location like Düsseldorf is the ideal place for you. Increasing numbers of foreign companies are settling down here to establish their companies and put their ideas into practice. Be one of them.
To get you off to a successful start, the Office of Economic Development of the State Capital Düsseldorf has compiled the most important information for you. In this event, it is all about the needs of foreign startup entrepreneurs and their small companies, so all about your needs. We want to give you information to help you find answers to the many questions you undoubtedly have. Our goal is to help you on the way to establishing a successful startup.

We will provide you with tips for your business plan and the preparation of your business concept. We will tell you what startup networks there are in Düsseldorf and which programmes and organisations can help you in the launch phase. A legal expert will tell you what legal aspects you need to take into account when establishing a company, and a tax consultant will provide you with information on the German tax system. There will also be a story from a successful startup entrepreneur to inspire you and give you courage so that you can write your own success story in Düsseldorf.

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