2018-04-19 | Warsaw Startup Night

| Digitalbusiness


Düsseldorf and Warsaw – two twin cities, two dynamic startup ecosystems. What do they both have in common? Find out at our event!
There is a lot going on in Warsaw! Since more than a quarter of all Polish startups are based in Warsaw, we can easily notice that the capital of Poland really has the edge when it comes to this area. And not just in Poland: in 2015, according to Forbes magazine, Warsaw was voted the third-best city in the world for launching a start-up. Another good reason to look at what is working there so well. During the “Warsaw startup night”, a representative of the Warsaw City Hall will guide you around Warsaw’s startup scene. The vigorous ecosystem consists of numerous specialized institutions such as business incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces and investment funds and is strongly supported and promoted by the city authorities. This picture of the Polish startup metropolis will be completed by the presentation of two Warsaw institutions that provide support for startups.

The highlight of the event will be a pitch session in which eight Warsaw startups will present their ideas and projects to the audience. They will come from industry sectors familiar to Dusseldorf such as fashion, creative industry, as well as ICT business i.e. mobile applications and e-commerce. The event will be followed by a banquet and networking, during which you can exchange experiences with other participants in an informal atmosphere and discuss joint projects, investments and other forms of cooperation. Come and experience the creative and startup-friendly atmosphere of the Polish Institute. Find out for yourself how inspiring Warsaw can be!

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