Startup Portal

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now available in English

Düsseldorf Office of Economic Development’s Startup Portal now available in English

The Startup Portal is provided by the Office of Economic Development’s Startup Unit and is an introduction to Düsseldorf’s young and dynamic ecosystem for startups, highlighting opportunities and growth potential for innovative companies in Düsseldorf.

As the Startup Unit wishes to focus more specifically on international startups, it has expanded the range of services offered. The Startup Portal with its Startup Journey, Event Calendar, Blog, Service and Startup Directory with about 400 entries is now available in English as well as German.

A new feature is the Scaleup-Journey, which is particularly interesting for startups that have successfully launched their businesses in their home countries and are now going global, entering their exponential growth phase in Düsseldorf or developing their business there.
These companies tend to focus on:

  1. looking for new markets
  2. finding customers and partners
  3. getting started in Düsseldorf
  4. setting up a company in Düsseldorf
  5. your company is growing

The portal offers information and respective proposals for each phase so that young, international and innovative companies can easily access Düsseldorf as a business location and successfully implement their expansion strategy there.

Düsseldorf is an international business location and offers ideal conditions for company growth, cooperation and innovation. This applies to all companies whether they are established businesses or startups, national or international enterprises.